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Beijing Fixed Gear Open 6: Death Before Dishonor

9月 12, 2014

Beijing Fixed Gear Open

Outerboro team was invited by nabiis to showcase our brand and products along with Quoc Pham Cycling Shoes at G-Shock Fixed Gear Open 6 in Beijing. G-Shock Fixed Gear Open is a fixed gear bicycle event that includes various competition and showcases brands that revolve around the fixed gear lifestyle. Although Beijing was blistering hot and there were a constant swarm of people, we had a blast meeting the locals and getting to know the fixed gear culture there. We had the pleasure to meet many interesting and awesome folks including, Jeff from Factory Five, Eric from 700bike, Jerry from Oryx Beijing, Nobuhiko (Editor-in-Chief of Loop Magazine), and many more. The team also had the opportunity to explore the ancient Jiankou section of the Great Wall of China. Watch as our team of fourteen people (consisting of members from Outerboro, nabiis, and Factory Five), ascend up the mountains to reach the Great Wall nesting on the peak.

Fixed Gear Competition

Fixed Gear Competition

Fixed Gear Team

Elmo with Field Day Shorts

Outerboro booth

Outerboro booth decor

Outerboro Field Day Shorts display

Quoc Pham shoe display

G-Shock Booth



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